Let’s find your guru
With 90+ ATAR hand-selected tutors, you can find your perfect educational guru to help you on your learning journey, whatever your destination.
Simply click the book me button on the tutor profile you like to schedule your free 30-minute consultation with them.
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The Climb Tutor Guarantee
- Valid Working With Children Check
- ATAR above 90
- Completion of the Climb Mentor Training Program
- Deep content knowledge
- Emotional Intelligence
- Commitment to excellence
- Personability
- Excellent communication skills
- Understanding to empathise with the educational needs of the learner
How it Works
1. Getting to Know You
Once contact is made with Climb our approach is to understand your interests, needs and goals.
Via the creation of in-depth learner profiles we are able to understand how to best tailor our services to fit the academic and interpersonal character strengths of the learner.
2. Matching and Consultation
We then match our learner to a tutor who best suits their learning style, strengths, needs and goals.
After matching occurs we will then arrange a free 30 minute consultation with the chosen tutor so you can get a feel for their style prior to making any commitments.
3. Building a Game Plan
During the consultation learners will have the opportunity to co-construct an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) with their tutor.
The ILP will take into account the strengths, interests and needs of the learner in order to develop a strategic pathway to reach targeted goals.
4. Evaluating to Inform Future Practice
Our ILPs are fluid, so as things change so does the learner’s ILP. In order to best meet the needs of our learners we utilise assessment data and feedback to inform our future practice. This approach results in a continual cycle of refinement and adjustment, so you can have confidence that the ILP will develop along with your progress.
Start your journey
Drop us a line and we’d be more than happy to answer any queries you may have.